Compelled is made possible by our Sponsors and Partners below.

Bright Lights is hosting a conference is called “Seeking Christ” at the Ark Encounter in Kentucky, September 20-21 where moms and daughters can grow together in their walk with Christ! Taught by Sarah Hancock, this conference will encourage girls to seek the Lord first in their lives, deepen their love for God’s Word, be rooted in their identity in Christ, gain vision for close family relationships, and shine their light brightly for the Lord!

Learn more and register at

BRAVE Books is a Christian publishing company that makes books for kids that reinforce biblically-based, foundational values. The books are about a group of animals that live on Freedom Island and have adventures that teach them timeless truths about important topics, but at a level that’s appropriate for children.

Check it out, and get the newest book for FREE at And, Compelled listeners can get 20% off any additional books you order, using the promo code “COMPELLED”.

CTCMath is an adaptive online approach to Math that automatically changes depending on your child’s unique learning needs. Each of the 1,400+ CTC Math tutorials lasts around 4-9 minutes and presents the concepts of the math lesson step-by-step. By adapting to your student’s pace, learning becomes not only more effective but also more enjoyable. The interactive questions change in difficulty based on how your child is progressing, ensuring they’re challenged at the level that’s right for them.

Visit and sign up for a free trial.

When you homeschool with Classical Conversations, you are connected with a local community of like-minded families who not only learn together but do life together. They equip homeschool parents with the confidence to raise bright, observant students with a lifelong love of learning. When you’re part of Classical Conversations, you belong to a vibrant extended family, all walking the homeschool journey together.

Learn more for yourself by downloading the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling at

ELIC equips to teach English overseas with practical training, ongoing support, and a professional team to embrace a culture. The Global Ambassador Program from ELIC has connected Christians to opportunities around the world for the last 40 years, specifically through English education.

For more information and to get started, visit

The “Parenting with Ginger Hubbard” podcast equips parents to reach beyond outward behavior, and instead address issues of the heart, pointing children to the transformational power of Christ. Learn how to move past the frustrations of not knowing how to handle issues of disobedience and defiance and into a confident and well-balanced approach to raising your kids.

For more information, go to or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

The Pour Over is a politically neutral, Christ-first news source. The newsletter is a short summary of the latest headlines told from a Christian perspective with reminders and verses to keep Believers focused on eternity and not the chaos in Washington DC or Wall Street. The newsletter arrives via email 3 times a week and is free, with no cost and no strings attached.

So head on over to and sign up for their free newsletter. The Pour Over also has a podcast. So, if you prefer listening, just search for The Pour Over on your favorite podcast app.

Redeem TV is a donor-supported, ad-free streaming service with edifying and redeeming content. They’re a Christian streaming service that's ad-free, and fee-free, with over a quarter million subscribers spread throughout the world. They offer a wide selection of movies, documentaries, and children's programming.

For more information and to get started, visit

Scripture Memory Fellowship (once known as Bible Memory Association, or BMA) exists to help Christians plant the Word deep in their hearts. They offer a free phone app called Verselocker with helpful audio and visual memory tools to learn Bible verses. The app is free, with no ads or subscriptions. You just choose the Bible verses you want to memorize and then do it at your own pace.

For more information, go to or search the App Store or Google Play for Verselocker.

Unbound train young adults to thrive by teaching them to own their purpose, serve others, and live resiliently for the glory of God. They accomplish this through an intentional mixture of live events, practical skills training, and project-based education. Unbound has programs available for students still in high school or post-high school.

Learn more at:

For over 50 years, The Voice of the Martyrs has stood alongside persecuted Christians by delivering Bibles into restricted nations, helping orphans and widows of martyrs who died for their faith, and equipping front-line workers who advance the Gospel in some of the most dangerous places to follow Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs also helps tell their stories, so that we as Christians can pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters and help meet their needs.

Compelled is partnering with The Voice of the Martyrs to bring you a gift to inspire your faith. It’s a book, called “Hearts of Fire” with the true stories of 8 different women who faced persecution and potentially death for their faith… yet remained steadfast. To request your FREE copy, go to

The World and Everything In It is a daily news program, about 30 minutes long, delivered every weekday morning by Christian journalists from around the world. And they aren't just rehashing the current headlines. They're actually doing investigative, boots-on-the-ground journalism while providing Biblical cultural analysis.

Just search for “The World and Everything In It” in your podcast app or visit

Worldview Academy helps students discover and apply the Bible’s ancient wisdom on how to think, how to live, and how to lead. Students ages 13-18 are equipped with biblical truth, so they are prepared to stand firm and engage with the culture.

Worldview Academy’s week-long summer intensives cover topics in apologetics, servant leadership, and evangelism, all while building deep friendships with like-minded students.

Learn more, and get 10% off your student’s camp registration as a Compelled listener by using the promo code “COMPELLED” at

Enjoy the Compelled Christian Heroes Bundle from our friends at YWAM Publishing!

We’ve worked with YWAM to select these 5 specific stories, and they agreed to drop the price by 50% just for Compelled listeners and include free U.S. shipping.

To buy this bundle for yourself or give to a friend, just visit

  • Her husband was murdered by the Auca tribe in Ecuador, but she chose to forgive the tribe and move in with them to share the Gospel.

  • During the height of the Cold War, Brother Andrew smuggled Bibles to Christians behind the Iron Curtain, all under the noses of Communist border guards who could have imprisoned him for life… or worse.

  • George Muller ran an orphanage for 10,000 children in England and trusted God to miraculously provide food and shelter for his orphans, sometimes on a daily basis.

  • Corrie ten Boom hid Jews and others marked for extermination from Nazis during World War II. After being captured and placed in a concentration campaign, she never wavered from her faith in a God bigger than the Fuhrer.

  • Amy Carmichael was determined to save souls in India, regardless of age, wealth, or caste. By demonstrating Christ’s indiscriminatory love, she was able to witness to thousands who otherwise had been forgotten by society.